Lending a helping hand to seniors in Batavia
Many Batavians have gifts to give, including compassion and free time. Batavia RSVP connects these Batavians with members of our senior population to help ensure their essential needs are met. Our services are available to seniors who reside in the city of Batavia, Batavia Township, or the Batavia Park District (which includes some parts of Aurora, North Aurora, and Geneva).

Our mission is to provide services to residents of our community who are age 65 or older.
Services Provided by Batavia RSVP

Medical Assistance Program
We help eligible seniors pay for their prescription drugs, basic dental services, and hearing aid batteries.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector Installation

We transport seniors in Batavia who need to attend medical appointments and other essential trips.

Lock Boxes
We install lock boxes on seniors’ homes at no cost.

Info and Referral Services
Thanks to the following organizations, as well as many local churches, service clubs, the Hansen-Furnas Foundation, and many caring individuals for their support.
Batavia RSVP Inc. is a program of the Federal Government. It is part of the National Senior Service Corps. Batavia RSVP is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Get Involved with Batavia RSVP!
If you're willing to serve as a volunteer, please contact us!
Especially needed are licensed drivers who are willing to provide transportation utilizing their own vehicles. Also needed are volunteers to staff the RSVP office, to implement the programs. We encourage you to call 630-406-9993 or send us a message even if your abilities and interests don't exactly match the services we currently provide.